Due to concerns over the Carona Virus COVID-19, we are opening an online giving portal for our members to be able to give your tithes electronically. If you would like to take advantage of this option, pease click the link below to be taken to our online giving page. This is a secure webpage hosted by our online giving partner. Once you make your contribution, you can save your information and create a login account that will save your information for future gifts.
Click here to give online
If you would be more comfortable, you can mail your tithes to the church office at
3270 Lantana Road Crossville, TN 38572
or you can drop your tithes off in the dropbox on the side of the building
If you’d like to give by smartphone, please go to your App Store and download Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement. Once installed, you will search for Lantana Road Baptist Church and set up an account for future gifts.