Plug In

Attending church is a good thing, serving Jesus is the real thing! At Lantana Road Baptist Church, there are many areas where you can get plugged in and begin to use your gifts to serve Jesus. From serving within the church, reaching out into our community, or taking the Gospel around the world, the opportunities are endless. Here are a few examples of where your talents could be used….

Serving at LRBC

There are many opportunities to serve within the walls of the church. Here are a few up front or behind the scenes places…

  • Greeter Team
  • Children’s Ministries
  • Praise Band and Choir
  • Computer and Tech Ministry
  • Meal Preparation Team
  • Building Maintenance
  • Art and Design
  • Etc….

Serving our Community

People of all ages at LRBC serve in many outreach ministries in Cumberland County. Are you interested in….

  • Serving at the Bread of Life Rescue Mission
  • Nursing Home Ministry
  • Second Harvest food distribution
  • Prison Ministry
  • Door to door evangelism
  • Storm recovery efforts
  • Being neighbor to those around us.
  • And so much more….

Serving the World

mission-teamdentistEach year, LRBC takes one international mission trip to Honduras to work with a Honduran native missionary. Throughout our travels we have been able to minister spiritually to thousands in over a dozen villages. Sometimes we are the first ones to bring the Gospel into a rural area and have seen thousands come to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We have had the pleasure of seeing several church plants grow out of our visits. No matter what your gifts are, there is a need for them on mission field. We have a construction team that builds whatever is needed for the continuing of thedoctor
ministry from buildings to benches. We have hosted medical and dental clinics, bringing life saving medicine to villages that do not readily have access to modern medicine. We work strategically with an established church in Tegucigalpa to foster spiritual growth in existing churches by training pastors, teachers, men, women, and children in the truths of the Bible. Each year is a new adventure with it’s own challenges. Are you ready to take the Gospel to the nations?

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