Lantana Road Baptist Church Family,
Our nation is presented with unprecedented circumstances, but make no mistake, the present crisis has not taken God by surprise and He will accomplish His purposes through it all. Due to the increased warnings about the spread of the Coronavirus, and the government calls to not engage in gatherings of 10 or more, we are canceling all services and weekly gatherings through the rest of this month. We hope this will only be a short interruption into our normal scheduling, but we will be monitoring the situation and make further adjustments along the way.
We will be encouraging initiatives to take care of the most needy among our church family and to keep our church body connected through:
- online worship services and Bible studies for all ages on our website
- group text devotionals
- prayer forums and opportunities for ministry
- weekly tithes and offerings (you can give online, mail in, drop off, or pick up)
The church office will keep its normal hours, so keep us aware of urgent needs and prayer requests.
Because of the faithfulness of our Great God, let us face this current crisis joyfully optimistic and prayerful that God will get glory in all that comes to pass. Also be patient through these unique circumstances, seek diligently to stay connected with our church family, and seek opportunities to minister to and evangelize those who lack hope. These circumstances may prevent us from attending church, but may present the best time to be the church to each other and the community. We are Blessed!
—Bro. Scott