Our Mission
Disciples of the Lord Jesus focusing our collective efforts to faithfully fulfill our God given mission to make disciples of all nations fueled by the unfailing resources of God’s: dynamic presence, biblical truth, and compelling love.
Our Vision
Lantana Road Baptist Church is not defined by a building or street address, but by our unified love and commitment to Jesus Christ and toward one another as the family of God. We are a family, made up of people with different ages, backgrounds, and personalities. We all have experienced the same grace, have the same Father, serve the same Lord, and attest to the same inerrant truth of God’s Word.
Our family goal will always be to glorify God in all we do, encourage the church at every chance, and reach the lost at any expense. Lantana Road Baptist Church, by God’s grace let us always climb our heights and conquer our hurdles together as the family of God.